Newsletter 5th March Term 1, Week 6
Principal's Message

Catholic Identity: In 2025, we will establish pedagogical practices that improve student religious literacy and provide opportunities for encounter with Christ.

Learning: In 2025 we will establish effective and consistent pedagogical practices for all students by all teachers.

Wellbeing: In 2025 we will establish a school-wide common language in Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L) incorporating our Mercy pillars.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Pope Francis’ reflections often give me much to ponder and reflect upon as a Catholic and importantly as a leader in a Catholic school.
As today is Ash Wednesday and we begin our Lenten journey, I am drawn to Pope Francis’ Ash Wednesday homily. This Lent I hope these words can resonate you with too as we take time to contemplate our mission and how we live our faith daily.
Pope Francis urges us in this season of Lent to “allow our hearts to beat once more in tune with the vibrant heart of Jesus.”
He encourages us to:
“Pause for a little while, refrain from fleeting comments and pejorative comments that arise from forgetting tenderness, compassion and tenderness…refrain from the urge to control everything, know everything.
Pause, to look and contemplate! See the face of our families who continue striving with great effort to move forward in life.
See the faces of our children and young people filled with yearning for the future and hope, filled with ‘tomorrows’ and opportunities that demand dedication and protection. They are living shoots of love.
See the remorseful faces of those who try to repair their errors and mistakes.
See and contemplate the real face of Christ crucified out of love for everyone, without exception. For everyone? Yes, everyone. To see his face is an invitation filled with hope for this Lenten time.
Return to the house of your Father. Return without fear to those outstretched, eager arms of your Father, who is rich in mercy (cf Ephesians 2:4), who awaits you.
Return without fear, to join the celebration of those who are forgiven.
Pause see and return!”
(Copyright -Liberia Editrice Vaticana: 14 February 2018)
Parent Teacher Conversations – this week
The beginning of each school year is such an important time and one where each teacher is working hard to formulate positive relationships with their children. A learning environment based on trust, where students feel safe to share their ideas and comfortable to make mistakes can set the scene for a successful school year, for each child.
Our teachers have been forming these positive relationships over the last few weeks by getting to know your child; finding out their strengths as learners, their passions, hobbies, challenges and goals they have for the year ahead. It has been a joy to watch Kindergarten begin their journey of primary school. The provocations set up by our Kinder teachers (as part of Successful Foundations) has created a wonderful space for our little ones to play.
Research has shown that students achieve more in school when their parents are actively involved in their education. Parental involvement not only enhances academic performance but also has a positive influence on a child’s attitude and behaviour. A parent’s interest and encouragement in a child’s education can influence the child’s attitude towards school, classroom conduct, self-esteem, absenteeism, and motivation in a positive manner.
I trust that you have availed yourself of the opportunity to participate this week in parent/teacher meetings. I thank the teachers for their preparation of these meetings and once again wish to emphasise our focus on open and respectful dialogue between home and school.
If there is any constructive feedback you wish to share following this week’s meetings and their structure, you are welcome to do so via
Update from PEG meeting 25 February
In the footsteps of our founding sisters of Mercy, St Therese’s has a long-established group titled the ‘Mercy Caring Group’. The purpose of this team is to do just as Catherine McAuley did and help those in need. This may be through a meal, washing or transport to school, supermarket vouchers, transport to appointments etc.
If you are willing to help others by being on this list, please send your name to titled ‘Mercy Caring Group’
If at any time, you (or a parent in our community you know) is ever in need, please contact Sallyanne Stanbridge (Principal) so that we can contact this family and assist them in a way that will best help them. All such contact is treated confidentially to respect the privacy and dignity of those in need.
Attached to today’s newsletter and sent via Compass yesterday are the Minutes of our term 1 PEG meeting held on 25 February.
Points to note from the meeting:
-The parent group in attendance voted to adopt the new ‘FACE’ model (Family and Community Engagement) which must be undertaken by schools by 2026. This replaces the term PEG and is identical in its approach and principles.
-If you would like to assist with the formation of an Environmental Team across the school, please email Similarly, we will form groups to assist with fundraising events and parents are welcome to email Sallyanne with their interest in helping organise these initiatives (Disco, Trivia night, Colour Run).
-A survey will be sent out to families regarding the possible change to wearing of our Winter uniform (ties, and ability to wear summer option in Winter if preferred). Results will be shared prior to the term 2 meeting to assist parents with purchase of uniforms .
-Survey of parents will occur regarding preferred times for future FACE meetings (term 3 and term 4).
-It was agreed that the term 2 meeting would occur Tuesday 3 June 8:30am. This will precede the open classrooms event for Catholic Schools Week. Open classrooms will form the educative component of this meeting. Children can come to school with their parents at this time with teacher supervision provided.
Congratulations to Jessica Le Compte who was recently awarded the contract to remain teaching year 3 N three days/week for the rest of this year. She is already on this class (Wed-Thur-Fri), job sharing with Shazmey Murray.
We wish Amy Karbowiak and her husband every best wish as they await the birth of their second child. Amy started her leave last Friday.
Ms Hollie Booth will commence on 11th March as EALD teacher three days per week.
Kindergarten enrolments 2026
These are now open on 17 February and first round offers are made on 13 June 2025. We will hold our second tour (led by year 6 children) on 13 March 2:30pm. If you have friends, neighbours or family still trying to decide on whether St Therese’s is the right school, please encourage them to contact our office and book a place on this tour.
Our Commitment to Learning
It is extremely important that children are at school every day and they are there for the whole day. If your child is late, they are missing vital and explicit learning in spelling and reading.
Similarly, their learning continues until the final bell at 3:15pm. Normally our afternoon timetable consists of HSIE, Science and Creative Arts activities which are also a very important part of a child’s learning with creativity, collaboration and problem solving forming key aspects of these lessons.
I would discourage you from continually taking your child early as not only is it disrupting your child’s learning, but it also interrupts other children's learning and the class teacher’s focus on teaching with constant phone calls to the classroom. If there are extenuating circumstances as to why your child needs to leave early, please write to your child’s teacher giving reasons why. Our staff and children thank you in anticipation for your commitment to learning for all our children.
Please ensure that you explain your child’s absence from school preferably via Compass. You have seven calendar days to do this. The Education Act mandates that we as a school and system are to monitor children’s attendance at school and ensure they attend school every day that they are well enough to do so.
Children with excessive days off school may be asked to provide medical certificates and attend a school meeting to improve attendance.
Internet Safety
We recently acknowledged safer internet day (on Tuesday 11 February 2025), to raise awareness and make the internet a safer place for everyone.
There is no doubt that most of us use the internet in some capacity every day. Whether that be for recreational use such as the mindless scrolling on Tik Tok, Facebook and Instagram, or for business purposes and research.
Have you ever thought about how many times a day you use the internet for different things?
According to the E-Safety Commissioner a startling 81% of parents with preschoolers say their children already use the internet. If you are ever questioning whether your child is too young to be online consider the amount of time they are spending online, the type of content they are viewing, the level of supervision being provided and their individual maturity level.
If you would like to read more about this have a read of this article.
Risks of accessing the internet
Whilst there can be many benefits of your child or loved one accessing the internet unfortunately there can also be many risks. Some of the common risks associated with using the internet include:
- Cyber Bullying
- Child sexual abuse, exposure to online predators and grooming including ‘Sextortion’.
- Sextortion usually occurs when a fake profile is created to blackmail someone into sending intimate images. The introduction of AI technology has uncovered a whole other level of sextortion.
- Data Breaches
- Fraud, phishing and scams
Online abuse of children and vulnerable persons can have significant social, emotional, psychological and physical impacts.
How can we keep our loved ones safe?
Here are the top five tips from the e-safety commissioner.
- Be kind – practice respect, empathy and kindness online
- Be mindful – balance your time online and consume and share factual, respectful content
- Speak up – report online abuse and harmful content to the platform and e-Safety
- Start the conversation – talk about online safety with your networks and communities, family, friends and colleagues
- Share resources – promote online safety tools and tips with your community
Take five minutes to:
- Make sure you only have apps installed that are secure and reputable
- Ensure that your devices are up to date to protect you from a cyber-attack
- Reflect on where you are sharing your information
- Set up two-factor authentication and/or regularly change your password
If you would like to stand together to help make the internet a safer and more positive place, you can sign up as a supporter of the e-safety commissioner Internet Safety Day for 2025.
You will be kept up to date with all of the latest free information and resources. Sign up here: Get the latest from e-Safety
Access the 2025 Safer Internet Day tool kits for schools, workplaces and families here.
Remember that if you are ever the subject of online abuse or witness this, you can and should take action.
To remove serious online abuse and illegally restricted online content of children and adults you can report it to:
- e-Safety Commissioner: What you can report to e-Safety | e-Safety Commissioner
- Police: Report |
- Takeitdown: Take It Down
Apologies - the incorrect amount of $19,800 was published in the PEG Minutes. This should have read as $23,000 was the amount raised by holding the School Ball in 2024.
Kind regards,
Sallyanne Stanbridge
Assistant Principal's Message
The Office of Safeguarding (OoSG) is a part of the Catholic Schools Maitland-Newcastle, that provides resources for parents/carers. I have attached a link for you to a padlet that provides you may find useful throughout the year. At St Therese’s and across the Diocese, we are committed to ensuring all our children are safe
Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L)
Across the school we are focussed on learning the language of respect for ourselves, others and property. We have been talking to the children about how to engage with others using manners, turn taking and listening. We have also been using “Green” Compass Chronicles to notify parents of positive incidents at school. Please ensure your Compass notifications are turned ON if you are using the Phone App, alternatively you will receive an email informing you that your child has received a positive chronicle, that will be accessible through your child’s profile on Compass.
Clean Up St Therese’s
Clean up Australia Day was on Sunday 2 March, so we will be having our own Clean Up St Therese’s Day on Friday 7 March after recess. Each grade has been allocated a different area of the school to clean with their teacher. We will ensure all children wash their hands thoroughly after the clean-up and only pick up items such as paper, fruit and vegetables etc. To continue our commitment to the environment, we will not be supplying plastic gloves to all children, and If you would like your child to wear gloves, please send in a pair for them to use.
Faith Community Week
Week 7 is Faith Community Week where we focus on our mental health and wellbeing and connections with others. There will be no homework in Week 7, we could like families to spend time together at a slower pace. We have a focus for each day of the week:
Music Monday – put on some music and have a dance together
Take a Walk Tuesday – at recess, children are invited to take a walk around the block to see the school from a different perspective, with Mrs Maretich and other members of staff
Wacky Wednesday – children are to wear their school uniform but are invited to wear wacky socks or hairstyles – hairspray is NOT permitted. We will have a disco a lunchtime for infant students and at recess for primary students. There is no cost for the Disco, it is just to have some fun.
Take a Breath Thursday – you might like to do some meditation or breathing exercises with your child. Websites such as Cosmic Yoga and Headspace have great guided meditations.
Free Form Friday – take time out to do something out of the ordinary, such as a picnic dinner at the park/beach
We hope you all enjoy Faith Community Week.
Period Positivity
Last year, we had several sanitary product dispensers installed at the school, as part of the Period Positivity initiative by the Catholic Schools Maitland-Newcastle. These dispensers provide sanitary products, to allow girls autonomy and dignity. Unfortunately, over the past week, this has been abused. Unopened products have been placed in the toilets, clogging the plumbing. The teachers have spoken to the children about expected behaviours in the toilet, but we are still experiencing daily incidents of highly inappropriate behaviours. We will be removing the sanitary products from the dispensers for two weeks, if any children require emergency sanitary products these are available in the office. Please discuss this with your child. In two weeks, we will re-stock all sanitary dispensers, hopefully, children will be more respectful of school property after reflecting on their behaviours.
Students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) between the 11-23 March 2025. There are four tests:
- Writing
- Reading
- Conventions of Language
- Numeracy
There is no practice required for NAPLAN. Before testing starts, teachers will give students the opportunity to go into the assessment platform and familiarise themselves with the online testing environment.
We have had an infestation of cockroaches. Pest exterminators came into school to spray for cockroaches on Monday, so we have noticed many dead cockroaches in the playground – this is expected. We have re-assured children at school of what has been happening. We should see a decrease in the number of cockroaches in the next week.
Kaylene Maretich
Assistant Principal
Catholic Identity & Curriculum
Faith Formation: Francis' Focus – Who better to help guide us in the true depth and meaning of our Catholic faith than the charismatic and authentic leader of our Church, Pope Francis. Below, Pope Francis reflects upon Sunday’s Gospel and the challenge we all face to closely monitor the words we use. May we also keep Pope Francis in our prayers as he continues to recover from his recent health issues:
‘Wars begin from the tongue’, says Pope Francis. Reflecting on Sunday’s Gospel passage, he draws our attention to the importance of choosing our words carefully, lest they become ‘bad fruit’.
He also reminds us that words can be destructive. If we are ‘grumbling, gossiping, speaking ill of others’, he says, then we are engaging in activity that ‘destroys the family, destroys school, destroys the workplace, destroys the neighbourhood.’
Commenting on how words can amplify attitudes, the Pope wants us to remember that ‘through our tongue we can also feed prejudices, raise barriers.’
This is especially true online. Stressing that these days ‘words travel fast’, the Pope remarks that ‘too many of them convey anger and aggression, feed false news and take advantage of collective fears to propagate distorted ideas.’
Christians should ‘be reflective, not reactive’ when engaging with other people online. We should always ‘be mindful of posting and sharing content that can cause misunderstanding, exacerbate division, incite conflict, and deepen prejudices.’ We should look for those digital splinters that might be distorting our own perspectives before we jump online to accost others.
Ultimately, the Pope wants us to remember that our words always affect another person.
Religious Education
This week’s focus in RE is on Kindergarten:
Module 1 is ‘Knowing God The Father - This module is an introduction to encounter God. Students will come to know God through a sense of wonder and awe about who God is and what God is like. They will understand that God created human beings in His own image, to form a loving relationship with them and that they are special. Students will explore the experience of God in the created world, through prayer and reflection. They will communicate their ideas, feelings, and thoughts about God throughout the various learning experiences presented as part of this module. There will be a special focus on the links between knowing God and the seasons of Lent and Easter as a special time.

Prayer, Celebration & Mission
Yr 6 Spirituality Day Retreat – On Friday 21st February, our Year 6 students and teachers spent the day at Glenrock Conservation Area and Scout Camp for a spirituality day. The focus was upon indigenous spirituality and was led by Mr Evis Heath. We thank Evis for his effort and energy in providing such a rich and rewarding experience for our students:

Diocesan Jubilee Year Launch – Thank you to those families, students and staff who were able to attend. It was a lovely morning, with perfect weather and was widely supported by many people from across the diocese.

Lent – Commences today, Ash Wednesday, 5th March. We celebrated with a whole school mass. We are also going to run a staff/parent Lenten reflection group every Monday morning throughout Lent. The first of these will begin on Monday 10th March at 8:10am in the 2W classroom (concluding at 8:40am). It would be lovely to have some parents join those staff members who can also make it (even if it is only once or twice – all are most welcome to attend!)
Catholic Community Week – Next week, please join us for a brief prayer liturgy on Monday 10th March at 9:30am in the Hall followed by open-classrooms.
Family / School Masses – The next Family / School Mass will be – Sunday 23rd March at 9:15am. It would be wonderful if you as parents, or your children, would be able to fulfill any of the regular ministry roles such as - welcomer, reader (Primary age students or older), prayers of the faithful, offertory, etc.
If you can attend and have an interest in fulfilling any of these ministry roles, please email me directly so that I can ensure all roles are filled prior to the day. For those who have a reading I will send a copy of these home with your child in the week leading up to the mass to practice:
Luke Smith
Religious Education Coordinator
School Community News
Throughout the year, we welcome all parents/carers to volunteer at the school. To volunteer, you must complete the volunteer's induction. This process can take up to 6 weeks, so you are encouraged to complete this early.

School Badges
School badges are available for sale at the office for $5.
2025 School Fees
The 2025 fee statements have now been issued. Our preferred method of payment is BPay, direct debit or credit card. A direct debit request form is below.
If you have nominated to pay your fees by regular instalments, these payments should have commenced by the end of March and have the account cleared by 20 November.
If you have nominated to pay your fees in a lump sum, this needs to be done by 30 June.
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact Belinda on 4957 4922 or email
Belinda Palmer
Senior School Officer

Have you registered for our Authentic Connection Webinar for Parents and Carers with Hugh?
When: 11/3/25 AEDT 6:30pm.
How: Click the following link to register.

Melissa Pyers
Primary Coordinator
Harmony Day is celebrated each year on the 21st March. It is a week-long event that celebrates the many cultures that have contributed to Australia's success as a multicultural nation. Our Year 1 students are on an excursion that day. We will hold Harmony Day on Friday 28th March so that we can celebrate as a whole school community. In Week 9, students will have a chance to experience a range of art, craft, sport and dance activities through a multicultural perspective.
We encourage the students to come dressed out of school uniform on Friday 28th March.
Students are encouraged to wear:
- Orange (the official colour of Harmony Day and mutual respect).
- National costume or cultural attire (folk costume, hat, scarf, jersey).
Harmony Day on the 28th March will begin with a whole school liturgy at 9.30am. There will be a Harmony Day display in the hall for parents to explore after the liturgy.
We invite parents/carers/grandparents who are from a cultural heritage, other than Australian, to come in to share a story or experience from your culture with your child’s class after the liturgy. Please contact with your name, your child/children's names and classes.

News from Aspire
Aspire offers a range of performance workshops to students across the diocese. These are wonderful opportunities for our students to explore their interest and passions in the Performing Arts. Some of these programs include:
- Create Choreographic Project - offers Stage 2 and 3 students the opportunity to participate in an intensive contemporary dance and collaborative choreographic program.
- Junior Theatre Makers - an program for Year 5-8 students to develop drama and performance skills and meet some likeminded young creatives.
- Voiceworx - a vocal program open to any diocesan student who wants to join a vocal group or choral ensemble and learn more about singing with like-minded students.
- Aspire Songwriting Competition - open to all students in our primary and secondary schools. Students are invited to write a song within a theme given by the Aspire team.
We currently have a number of present and past students rehearsing for the July Aspire production (performed always at the iconic Newcastle Civic Theatre). The quality of these performances is consistently exceptional, showcasing the incredible talent of the students within our diocese. We also have a number of students composing songs for the Song Writing Competition. This competition was won last year by a student from our school -Maeve Healey.
These really are well thought out and valuable Performing Arts opportunities for our students. I encourage you to take a look at the information below regarding the programs currently being offered. I have also included a link to the Aspire website. There is some great information on the website about the vast array of Aspire activities.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.
Aspire website: ASPIRE | Catholic Schools Maitland-Newcastle
Alina Brymora
Performing Arts Teacher
What a busy start to the year we have had with our representative sport!
Diocesan Swimming Carnival Update
Last week we had 12 students represent St Therese’s at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to all of these incredible students, who competed with pride and determination, and we are so incredibly proud of their efforts! A big congratulations to Mila M for progressing to the Polding Swimming Carnival, which will be held at Homebush in early April. Mila will be competing in the 9yrs 50m Freestyle event. Wishing you the best of luck, Mila, St Therese’s will be cheering for you!
Liam Ireson
Infants Coordinator & Sports Coordinator

Diocesan Winter Sports Trials
We also have some students representing St Therese’s at the Diocesan Winter Sports Trials for AFL, Netball, Football and Hockey. Patrick H will be trialling for AFL on the 7th March, Stella R and Grace O will be trialling for Netball on the 25th of March, and Ashton S and Chase P will be trialling for Football on the 25th of March and Mason O, Ace C, Jacob E, Benjamin C and Andrea P will be trialling for Hockey on the 25th March. We wish you all the best of luck!

Liam Ireson
Primary Coordinator (K-2), Sports Coordinator and Year 1 Teacher
Sport Days for Term 1
Kindergarten - Thursday (Weeks 1-7) then Tuesday (Weeks 8-11)
Year 1 - Tuesday (Weeks 1-6) then Thursday (Weeks 7-11)
Year 2 - Wednesday
3N - Tuesday
3W - Wednesday
3L - Thursday
Year 4 - Thursday (Weeks 1-4) then Tuesday (Weeks 5-11)
Year 5 - Wednesday
Year 6 - Tuesday (Weeks 1-4) then Thursday (Weeks 5-11)
Children are to wear their sport uniform on sport days only, then their formal summer uniform for the other four days per week.
Mon 10/3 | Tue 11/3 | Wed 12/3 | Thu 13/3 | Fri 14/3 |
Simone Slamet Marissa Harvey | Cath Oakley | Teigan Jobbin Luke Wilson | Kristen Searle Renee Feeney | |
Mon 17/3 | Tue 18/3 | Wed 19/3 | Thu 20/3 | Fri 21/3 |
Elesha Finlay | Lauren Ross Charlene Price | Holly Van Schalkwyk | Sue Goldman | Kareena Gupta Pam Carrigan Erin Kenneally |
Important Dates
06 Mar- Parent Teacher interviews
10 Mar - Open Classrooms 9.30am
12-24 Mar - NAPLAN
21 Mar - Year 1 Tocal excursion
24 Mar - NAPLAN
26 Mar - Year 4 Cockatoo Island Excursion
28 Mar - Harmony Day
31 Mar - Whole school Assembly 2.30pm
1 Apr - Year 6 ANZAC Civic Theatre
11 Apr - Last Day of Term 1
07 May - WHOLE school Athletics Carnival, Fearnley Dawes Athletic Centre, Newcastle
3 Jun - FACE Meeting 8.30am
- Liturgy 9.15am followed by Open Classrooms